Category: Seeing

Analysing photography

There are many ways to analyze a photograph, much depending on who you are, the purpose of the analysis, whether you’re a theoretician or a practising photographer – or perhaps both, or if you are someone who just want to find out why you feel this way or the other, about a specific photograph. What

Truth to be told

Truth, as described and discussed in this post, is an abstract. As such, it functions more as a mirror rather than a constant. The perception of truth is subjective and personal, and I dare argue it cannot be objective, since there will always be some value put onto it through our understanding of it. What

Let’s kick off

Before we can even begin analyzing something, regardless of what, we need to understand how we see, interpret and understand what we see.

It’s a bit tricky, and easy to stumble about on this topic, so let’s see if we can get started with some basic understanding of the process of seeing.